Mentoring for health practitioners, yoga therapy students, and integrative health practitioners

Personal mentorship with Marcel Allbritton provides critical support for healing, personal, and professional application of Yoga in one’s life.

If you are interested in mentoring with Marcel Allbritton, PhD, C-IAYT
schedule a free 15 minute session
to discuss how mentoring can work for you!

“Having a point of reference is absolutely necessary. We need somebody who can hold a mirror in front of us. Otherwise we very quickly begin to imagine that we are perfect and know it all. This personal connection cannot be replaced by books or videos. There must be a relationship, a real relationship, one that is based on trust.”

― T.K.V. Desikachar, The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice


During mentoring sessions we discuss your practice and your experiences with practicing and working with the principles of Yoga. We also modify and revise your practice in order to insure that you are making progress with your growth, development, and personal goals.


I mentor health practitioners, Yoga Therapy students, and integrative health practitioners in the study, practice, and professional application of Yoga. This mentoring is guided by a personal practice. The only way to really learn the principles of Yoga, meditation, or mind body practices is experientially. In my mentoring I support the development of the individual and guide them in practice, study, and application of the principles of Yoga.


Quotations by Marcel are featured prominently in the book An Inside Look at Meditation: Experiences for healing, support, and transformation. You will also find many examples of his work mentoring and yoga therapy clients. The book is available on Amazon.

“Yoga mentoring with Marcel guided me to think about my challenges in a way that moved from wow this really sucks into huh, this is really interesting. I started to see the challenges I was facing not just as being a martyr or a victim, but instead each challenge becomes an opportunity to find out more about myself.”

– Leah Burkhart
Certified Wellness and Life Coach, founder of The Healthy Sensitive

“One of the things that I’ve appreciated so much about working with you is that you have an appreciation for psychology and neuroscience and the unconscious mind. You bring all of those elements together. Most people only know yoga or they only know psychology, and it’s been fun for me to work with somebody like you who gets it all.

When I came to see you, I thought mind-body practices could be good for some of my clients but I wanted to experience it myself first. Working with you has really helped because when I refer clients to you and we talk about their experiences, I know what they’re talking about.

A key component to psychotherapy is the relationship that I form with my clients. What you do with one-on-one yoga works that way too. If it were just about having the knowledge then we wouldn’t have a job because there are thousands of self-help books. But healing doesn’t work that way for the majority of people. There has to be a relationship with a guide that allows for feeling safe and trusting to help you go to that next level.”

– Janell Kalifey
Psychotherapist, Sports Performance Coach

“I began working with you while I was training to be a coach. As a coach my role is to facilitate and be a knowledgeable guide, a companion for somebody on a change journey. Coming to work meetings after a session with you where we talk about the goal of being a mix of alert and at ease, I feel confidence in my ability to find that balance. It influences my conversations and my relationships.”

– Megan Murk
Certified Health and Wellness Coach, mentor for the National Board for the Credentialing of Health & Wellness Coaches (NBHWC), founding member of Wave, co-creator of the Coach Collaborative

“During our first session, you gave me a personal practice, tailored to what you had observed about me. Driving home I noticed how different I felt. I was hooked. I have done a Marcel-designed personal practice every day for the last 10 years.

Working with you and doing my practice, a window into myself began to open. I came in with absolutely no interest in transformation. I just wanted to learn how and why meditation works. Now I’m a transformation addict. I keep gaining new awareness of who I am and how I experience and navigate my internal and external worlds.”

– Carrie Heeter
Director of Yoga Mind Tools, Professor Emeritus Michigan State University


The online sessions are $150 per session. For mentoring we meet monthly for a a period of one hour. I will send you an invoice with payment instructions following each session. 


Email Marcel Allbritton, PhD, C-IAYT,